Dozen Roses Wrapped
Flower Delivery from a Local Florist
Expertly Designed & Ready to Impress

Product Description

Dozen roses in your choice of red, pink, lavender, white or yellow with greens. Each bouquet is uniquely designed and wrapped in kraft paper. Photos and visual representation of products represent an overall style and look, and your unique arrangement will not replicate flowers or vases in the photos identically. We will always make sure that the whole presentation will match the aesthetic. Any substituted items will be of equal or higher value. The overall design style will always be preserved. Seasons, market conditions, and availability may cause each arrangement to vary. Always include the recipients phone number, in case they are not home. We cannot leave any flowers unattended to ensure they stay fresh and long lasting. For any specific requests or custom arrangements, please call the store at 616-427-0599. Thank you for choosing Southside Flower Market!

Dozen Roses Wrapped


we will try our best to match the color palette you choose below.
As Shown


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